I find the hue and cry from people writing letters to your paper a bit puzzling. This problem existed in the L/A area is attributable to “someone” or “some persons” who are determined to cause trouble in your communities.

I don’t recall anybody asking us if we wanted this issue forced upon us. I would like very much to have these people put this to a vote, which is the so-called democratic way of instituting majority rule!

We have far too many college and university liberals telling us what to do and what is good for us!

I believe pushing an agenda onto the poor dumb folks of Maine is called Machiavellianism. This was a man who dedicated his life to a political philosophy of cunning, duplicity and bad faith. In other words, telling a lie long enough and often enough until folks believed it.

The propaganda minister under Hitler, Josef Gobbels, was a master of the lie. Some of the more illustrious professors at Bates and the University of Maine System are well versed in using this tactic.

Someone once said, back in the 19th century, that a well-informed citizenry was the best defense against tyranny. Be informed as to issues as they become visible and we will be able to make better judgments in solving the problems in and around us.

Robert S. Haley, Jay

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