Tuesday, Dec. 31, I watched on C-SPAN as President Clinton discussed his presidential papers and access to them during an interview and a tour of the site of his presidential library. He said that he is hopeful that his papers will be available earlier than the mandated date, 2006.

He said, “”George Bush has sealed all of his records as governor and placed them in his father’s presidential library.”” Dick Cheney refused to allow release of his records of energy policy discussed with the oil cartel, and the courts supported that decision.

He makes all of the accusations about Iraq, rattles his saber against the axis of evil, and Rumsfeld says, “”We can have two wars at the same time.”” He claims compassion, yet he cuts Medicare, reverses clean-air laws, and yet has money to give tax cuts to the wealthiest 1 percent.

I am wondering if citizens who vote George Bush the most popular man in America read Molly Ivins, Cort Kirkwood, Matt Miller or stories about government and how our freedom is being taken away by scare tactics about possible terror attacks by rumor and innuendo? Republicans claim they are the pro-life party. Pro-life is more than being against abortion. It’s about the death penalty, euthanasia, assisted suicide, medicine for the sick, feeding children, clean air to breathe, a home to live in, protection from the cold, help for the mentally ill, using our military personnel to defend life and the innocent children everywhere, not just in the U.S.

When Pope Paul VI spoke to the United Nations, he said “”No more war, war never again!”” My beloved John Paul II repeated those words before the United Nations Assembly, “”No more war, war never again!””

Joanna Walsh-Ward, Lewiston

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