Life is a struggle. But I didn’t realize what a struggle it is for right-handers until I was injured. You see, I am left-handed. Being left-handed is my reality. I even have a mug that states: “”Everyone is born left-handed. They become right-handed when they commit their first sin.””

When a task needs to be done, it is natural for the left hand to lead the way. That is the way life should be. (By the way, I’m sure the percentage of left-handers in Maine is far above the national average of 10 percent. I see them everywhere.)

Smooth sailing came to a screeching halt one day a couple weeks ago. I was walking in a parking lot when I stepped on some black ice and slammed the left side of my rib cage against the asphalt. The asphalt won. Doing anything with my left hand shot twinges of pain through my ribs.

Suddenly, I was a right-hander. I had to eat, drink, brush my teeth, open and shut doors with my right hand.

Every movement, every activity had to be thought out before execution to avoid mind-bending pain. No wonder the world is such a mess! Every simple task was really difficult to do right-handed.

I had to remember to hold a water glass in my right hand because I couldn’t raise my left hand to my lips. Drinking from a glass using the right hand felt really awkward.

Even after two weeks of practice, it took twice as long to brush my teeth with my right hand.

I’m beginning to understand the frustration right-handers must feel in getting through their daily activities. Every little task has to be thought out and coordinated. And they call it a right-hander’s world! How do they ever get anything done?

I am eagerly anticipating recovery. Life will still be a struggle, but I will have my left hand back. I do not know yet if right-handers simply need more practice, or if they should repent of their sins and become left-handed.

Rodney C. Kuhl, Rumford

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