One day after the Democrat-controlled Maine House of Representatives chose to be the first among these, once United States of America, to oppose the president of the United States in facing national security, my blood was boiling.

This vote places our nation, men, women and children on our soils at risk in opposing Saddam Hussein abroad. I regretfully feel Maine legislators will have our blood on their hands by their uninformed vote to oppose our commander in chief.

Before the Maine Senate sent this preposterous legislation to the floor I communicated to the leadership of both parties and my legislators. I wanted to know what the Maine Legislature was doing wasting its time on federal issues.

When did the Maine Legislature receive its last national security briefing? Are there no state issues for the Democrat caucus to entertain, or is it true the Democrat leadership excludes most elected legislators from the caucus? Perhaps that is why Sen. Ethan Strimling has too much time on his hands.

Senator Strimling wants the Maine Legislature to sponsor a legislative resolution on behalf of all of the people in the state of Maine that calls on President Bush to pursue a diplomatic resolution to the conflict over weapons inspections in Iraq.

I do not support Sen. Strimling’ attitude or judgment when it comes to national security, therefore my letter alone should render Sen. Stripling’s legislation null and void.

The legislators representing my district, Sen. Richard Bennett and Rep. Rick Sykes responded immediately to me personally and on the floor of the Maine Senate and House. All Democrat legislators remained silent to my questions.

With sincere regret, Maine’s majority party forgets that these are the United (Not Divided) States of America. Voters should oust individuals with no spine in the Maine Legislature.

I choose to stand tall in supporting our president in defending our nation against all enemies. I will have trouble forgiving them for placing our land of the free in turmoil.

Paul J. Mattson, Harrison

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