Dear Sun Spots: I read in the Sun Journal last fall that Fox Network was to buy PAX TV. I haven’t heard anything since. Could you please check on this? – No Name, Livermore.

Dear Sun Spots:
I’d like an address to write to Joe Cocker. I’d also like to know why PAX TV has changed its format. – D. L., Lisbon.

According to a June 6 article in the Portland Press Herald by reporter Ray Routhier, the PAX network is coming back to Greater Portland TV screens. Beginning June 16, the family-oriented network will be available on Time Warner Cable Channel 33.

PAX went off the air in Greater Portland in April, after the network’s only TV station in Maine, WMPX (Channel 23) was sold and became an affiliate of the Fox TV network. The station is now WPFO. When Time Warner last aired PAX, in April, it was part of the “Lifeline” package. It will now be part of the “Bridge” package.

Routhier writes that Time Warner decided to bring PAX back partly because local viewers asked for it. Another reason, is that both PAX and Time Warner were able to reach a “mutually beneficial agreement.”

The article also notes that those who get their television reception with an antenna will still be without PAX since the network no longer has a broadcast tower in Maine.

Regarding your second inquiry: You can try writing to Joe Cocker c/o of the Cocker Kids’ Foundation, P.O. Box 404, Crawford, CO 81415 or via e-mail at

Joe Cocker, one of the truly great rock voices of all times, was born in Sheffield, England, on May 20, 1944, the youngest son of a civil servant. In 1961, he worked as an apprentice gas fitter by day and became Vance Arnold singing with The Avengers in rough Sheffield pubs by night.

Among his performances this month will be a show on June 27 in Beverly, Mass., and a show at Beach Casino in Hampton, N.H., on July 31. For more information on him check out his Web site,

Dear Sun Spots: I want to know if someone out there knows about service dogs. I need to know about seizure dogs. I want it to be in the New England area. Please write back in Sun Spots and tell me if you know about seizure dogs. – Heather, No Town.

According to the Delta Society, you can contact Lu or Dale Picard, (trainers who place dogs throughout the East Coast), at P.O. Box 831, Torrington, CT 06790, (860) 489-6550, or by e-mail at You may also be interested in contacting the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation’s George Salpietro, P.O. Box 142, Bloomfield, CT 06002, (860) or via their Web site at

You might be interested in contacting the Delta Society, 580 Naches Avenue SW Suite 101, Renton, WA 98055-2297, (425) 226-7357. You can also find them online at, where you’ll find lots of information on publications; trainers, both nationally and internationally; and other related information. You may also be interested in reading “Service Dogs for People with Seizure Disorders: An Informational Guide,” (Available from Deborah Dalziel at P.O. Box 357123, Gainesville, FL 32635.)

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be posted at in the Inform Us section under Press

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