KINGFIELD – There will be a special town meeting in Kingfield Tuesday night to raise and appropriate an extra $8,640 for the town’s ambulance subsidy.

At the annual town meeting in March, voters appropriated $33,330 to pay for coverage provided by the Sugarloaf Ambulance Service, operated by Franklin Memorial Hospital, knowing it would not be enough to foot the entire bill.

At the time, the hospital was requesting $41,940 but the town’s Budget Committee didn’t feel it was fair, prompting them to put the $33,330 figure before voters and for Selectman John Dill to tell voters the issue would be before them in the near future.

After going over the numbers and speaking with the hospital, town officials decided to let voters revisit the ambulance subsidy, asking them to come up with the remainder of the bill.

If the special vote does not pass, the hospital will again meet with town officials and look toward other coverage options.

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