underworld, lure, hyacinth, chariot, scepter, cavern, drab

Facts and details: Literal meaning

What three brothers became mighty gods?

Who was the goddess of the harvest?

Why did Pluto kidnap Proserpina?

Where did he take her?

Who did Ceres ask for help and information?

What’s going on? Reading comprehension

How did Jupiter help his brother?

Why did Pluto turn Cyane into a spring?

Did Phoebus help Ceres?

How did Ceres react when she learned that Jupiter had helped Pluto kidnap her daughter?

What happened to the earth after Ceres left?

In your own words…

Women in Ancient Greece and Rome had far fewer rights than women in our society. But in this story, it is clear that they didn’t just go along with everything that happened to them. Ima gine that you are a columnist for a newspaper in Proserpina’s world, and write an opinion column about this story. Don’t forget that a good opinion column will include a “call to action.” What will you suggest should be done?

Newspaper activity

In reporting crimes, serious journalists limit themselves to the facts, though they may quote witnesses who express strong opinions. Imagine that you are a reporter for a newspaper and write a news story about what happened on the shore of the lake. You can invent quotes from police, but otherwise, you’ll have to read the story and figure this out: Who is going to be able to give you information? Who do you wish you could quote? What facts are known at this point? Remember, this is news: Just the facts, please!

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