Wanted – Several first-class customers who desire pure milk. Address M. G. Stackpole, Auburn.

Wanted – At once, men for the woods, sled tenders, swampers, and head choppers. Inquire C. B. Hartford, 36 Lisbon st.

Wanted – Cotton mill help wanted to go to Canada; families preferred. Transportation paid. Apply at Atwood Hotel in person.

Wanted – A lady bookeeper, one who has had several years experience, one who is accurate and able to run a typewriter and take full charge of my office. In answering by letter kindly state age and last place employed. None but first class need apply. Address C. B. Hartford Co., Lewiston.

50 Years Ago, 1957

They missed out on being the first New Year’s baby but the parents are smiling anyway because 11 babies born in the Twin Cities just squeezed in under the income tax wire. These “bonus” babies” will add one dependent to each of the families and mean $600 more income that Uncle Sam can’t tax.

Several hundred members of the Coca-Cola set attended the annual New Year’s Eve party at the Auburn YMCA.

Approximately 40 couples attended the New Year’s Eve dance held by the newly organized Taylor Pond Yacht Club, at the Community Little Theater Association.

25 Years Ago, 1982

The first snowstorm of 1982 buried Lewiston-Auburn under more than six inches of wet, heavy snow, downing power lines and creating havoc for police and power company workers. While the storm left many areas with scenes of incredible winter beauty, driving conditions in both cities were hazardous, causing many accidents early in the evening.

Many of Maine’s new mothers, like their counterparts across the country, have decided against the bother – and the bucks – that accompany formula feeding. The return to breastfeeding, according to nutritionist involved in one of the state’s programs, is a reflection of a number of different social and economic conditions.

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