What kind of an administration can the citizens of Lewiston look forward to under Larry Gilbert? Recent letters by Gilbert supporters call for the censorship of any views contrary to theirs. Will citizens with opposing views be subject to criticism that will serve to intimidate others, holding similar views, from expressing them in public? Could this be the beginning of a police city?

What this city needs is a mayor, not a social activist like Gilbert.

Growing up in Boston during the 1960s and 1970s, I had never heard of Lewiston. Today, in refugee camps throughout the world and welfare homes in Massachusetts, Lewiston has become a household word. Happenings in Lewiston have achieved national/international media status – all of it negative. Locally, the influx of refugees has added to the school budget, increased city administrative costs and created a tremendous financial burden on local hospitals. This all brought to us by the same type of people who support Gilbert.

Gilbert’s Richelieuesque coronation promenade and “defense” of the city charter at a recent council meeting show an arrogance that everyone should note. Was he fighting for the charter or plum appointments to be awarded to his cronies?

Lewiston needs to focus on economic growth, not social issues. Will this election bring prosperity, or will the ravings of liberal sirens send Lewiston’s economic ship onto the rocky shores of economic ruin?

Robert E. Macdonald, Lewiston

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