I laughed at the last snow storm; it was funny.

Let me explain.

Do you see the fun in life, or do you see the drudgery in life?

Is life funny, or is it a hard time?

I opened up the living room window to say something to my neighbor, after the snowstorm. He was busy trying to free his vehicle from all the white stuff. I said, “How did you like that snowstorm?” (He comes from Long Island, N.Y.) He looked up and said, “Worst case of global warming I’ve seen!”

Isn’t that great?

What an outlook on life. A person can have a good outlook and have fun, or be very unhappy – it’s a choice we each can make. My neighbor had the answer. He kept a good attitude and kept things in perspective.

My mother used to sing “Que sera sera, what will be, will be; the future’s not ours to see, que sera sera.”

Guess we could learn from that song.

John Bean, Lewiston

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