Jr. high, an excellent time to start after school activities such as sports, or even clubs, but there’s one thing some students overlook. School plays.

Sure, they’re no Broadway productions, especially if you consider the low budgets schools have now. They do the best they can to get us props and other necessary items needed to produce a play, like scripts, for instance. Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.

And then there are actors. Elm Street School has a wonderful cast in the play After Hours. Their cast, so far, is: Mary McKellick, as Luann; Amanda Gibson, as Patty; Nigel Williams, as Danny; Susan Vanarsdale as burglar #1 (a.k.a. Eddie Burgerhoffer or Jetspeed); Christa Burnell as burglar #2 (a.k.a. Chickenwire); Adriana Stone as Jillian; Caitlyn Currie, Delivery Man, Window Shoppers #1a., #2a. and #3a; Danielle Proctor as Henry, Window Shoppers # 1b., #2b. and #3b; Zoe Thomas, as Taylor and Mardea Tapley, as Taylor’s Friend.

The cast of Jr. High students from this school is yet to be completed, with some minor roles to be filled.

There will be a performance for the school on April 8 at 1:30 P.M. and 7 P.M. for the parents.

The cast would greatly appreciate it if you could attend this play. The admission is free, but there will be a donation box outside the entrance to the play, and we would very gladly appreciate if you would donate to our school.

So to the all the cast, Break A Leg!

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