FARMINGTON — The Rev. Scott Planting, pastor of three churches in Farmington and New Portland, is bidding farewell to his parishioners after 35 years of service.  

Planting has ministered in western Maine since he arrived at the age of 25, along with his wife, Marsha. They raised two daughters, Mercer and Hadley, and the family has become firmly rooted in Franklin County.

On Saturday, Oct. 2, the communities he’s served — New Portland Community Presbyterian Church, North New Portland Community Presbyterian Church and the Fairbanks Union Presbyterian Church — will have a chance to say goodbye at the Fairbanks School Meeting House from 2 to 5 p.m.

“Scott has been an inspiring pastor and good friend to the members of the three churches he serves,” Anne Smith, a member of the Fairbanks church, said.

As the executive coordinator of Mission at the Eastward, he has been the driving force behind the Camp at the Eastward in Starks, the North Parish Housing Ministry, which repairs and refurbishes housing through nationwide volunteer church work groups, and a partnership with the Macfarlan parish in South Africa.

The South Africa partnership has provided residents with chickens, has helped them grow their own vegetable gardens and has provided funds for anti-retroviral drugs for AIDS patients.


“The fact that he is so well-known outside the church is due to his dedicated involvement in a whole host of projects and areas that impact the community at large, including 82 High Street, the Fairbanks School Meeting House and chairmanship of the Franklin Memorial Hospital board,” Smith said. “He loves the area and its people, the land and its wildlife, and the sense of togetherness and commitment he has found and nurtured there.”

Planting is not retiring or leaving the ministry, Smith said. He’ll start the next part of his journey as the director of the Maine Sea Coast Mission in Bar Harbor.

A special scholarship fund in honor of Planting’s ministry is being created for the children’s summer camp in Starks. Donations may be sent to Mission at the Eastward, P.O. Box 206, Farmington, ME 04938, with a note in the memo line saying “Scott Planting Scholarship Fund.” For more information contact Anne Smith, session clerk for the Fairbanks Union Church, at 684-2108 or

Goodbye gathering

WHAT: Open house with light refreshments for the Rev. Scott Planting

WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 2, 2 to 5 p.m.

WHERE: Fairbanks School Meeting House, 508 Fairbanks Road, Farmington

FMI: Anne Smith, 684-2108 or

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