DIXFIELD — The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted Monday evening to approve three of four outstanding tax-acquired property bids.

They are:

* 1169 Canton Point Road, awarded to Brian Webber for $10,503.

* 12 Main St., awarded to Todd Blodgett for $150.

* 25 High St., awarded to Michael Crew for $205.

During a Sept. 9 meeting, Town Manager Linda Pagels-Wentworth said the above-named properties, along with one at 19 Mill St., received no bids.


The board subsequently reduced the minimum bid on the Canton Point Road property by 50 percent, and agreed to place no minimum bid requirement on the others, on the condition that the bid winners tear down the buildings.

Selectman Hart Daley made a motion to deny Crew’s $151 bid for the 19 Mill St. property because he was not planning to demolish the building, which was a condition of the bid. The board voted to deny him the bid.

During the public comment section of the meeting Monday, resident Norman Mitchell told selectmen he had concerns about the cemetery maintenance in town.

“Last year, we added an employee to our town to do this for us,” Mitchell said. “I’ve been up to the cemetery on Severy Hill, and it’s evident that someone up there has been hitting the markers on the graves. There’s a busted grave up there that is a veteran’s grave. It’s my understanding that under state law, veterans’ graves and monuments shall be replaced when broken, and their graves should be mowed.”

He also pointed out that at Science Hill Cemetery, which has graves of two veterans of the War of 1812 and two Civil War veterans, there were “trees 3 feet high in the middle of the cemetery.”

“I don’t think that this is the proper respect to show our veterans,” Mitchell said.

Selectman Dana Whittemore said he recently approached a high school history teacher about teaming up with the American Legion to clean up the veterans’ graves.

“The classes already agreed to do it with the American Legion,” Whittemore said. “I think it could be good for students to learn a little bit about the veterans. It’s not very common anymore, and I think it’d be helpful to them.”


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