LIVERMORE — The town has foreclosed on five properties for outstanding 2012 taxes, but under town rules owners have an additional 30 days from the day of foreclosure to pay the taxes, interest and fees.

Voters approved the additional 30 days several years ago.

Town Administrative Assistant Kurt Schaub said certified letters were sent to the property owners notifying of the deadline of 4 p.m. April 4 to pay the outstanding taxes, associated money and all taxes assessed since 2012.

A small piece of land on Tessier Road had $69 owed as of Wednesday. The owner is required to pay $129.91 to clear the tax slate, Schaub said.

The owner of a mobile home and land on River Road must pay $2,076.14 to redeem the property. Of that, $535.06 including taxes, fees and interest, was due for the 2012 bill, he said.

Land on Federal Road/Route 4 had $249.10 owed. The owner must pay pay $646.91 to keep the property, Schaub said.

A 3½-acre parcel on Turkey Lane had $80.48 owed. To redeem the property the owner will need to pay $726.62, he said.

Land believed to be off Bean Street had $473.75 owed. A total of $1,291.88 must be paid to get it back.

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