RUMFORD — Selectmen on Thursday night appointed several residents to subcommittees to consider consolidating services.
The appointees had applied for the positions, Town Manager John Madigan said.
In February, Rumford and Mexico selectmen established the following subcommittees and agreed to the following appointments:
* Mexico Selectman Reggie Arsenault and Rumford Selectman Frank DiConzo to the Public Works subcommittee.
* Mexico board Chairman Richie Philbrick and Rumford Selectman Jeff Sterling to the Parks and Recreation subcommittee.
* Rumford Selectman Jolene Lovejoy and Mexico Selectman Byron Ouellette to the Police subcommittee.
* Mexico Selectman Peter Merrill and Rumford board Chairman Greg Buccina to the Budget, Finance and Town Hall Operations subcommittee.
* Mexico Selectman George Byam and Rumford Selectman Brad Adley to the Fire Department subcommittee.
On Thursday night, the Rumford board appointed:
* Jonathan Starr and Candice Casey to the Police subcommittee.
* Michael Arsenault to the Fire subcommittee.
* Roger Viger Jr. and Bromley Cook to the Public Works subcommittee.
* Marie Boudreau to the Library subcommittee.
* Roger Arsenault to the Town Hall and Finance subcommittee.
* Gary Dolloff to the Parks, Recreation and Library subcommittee.
When Lovejoy asked if any of the residents also served as town employees, fire Chief Bob Chase said Michael Arsenault is an employee of the Rumford and Mexico fire departments. Lovejoy said she was concerned about possible conflicts of interest.
Adley said it shouldn’t matter if any are town employees, because the subcommittees are nonbinding, nonvoting, advisory-only committees.
The resident appointments were approved by a 5-0 vote.
In other business, Madigan said Code Enforcement Officer Richard “Rick” Kent tendered his resignation effective May 14 to accept a job out of state. He gave a two-week notice.
He said Kent may be able to stay until May 30, depending on circumstances.
“The issue is of advertising because of the certifications required,” Madigan said. “That’s going to be a difficult position to fill.”
He said he spoke to Mexico Code Enforcement Officer Dave Errington, who indicated he might be able to fill in on an interim basis. Madigan said he believes Rumford will need someone working part time in the interim, at least, until someone can be hired.
“I’d like to thank Rich, because he’s been here nine or so years,” Madigan said.
Selectmen also unanimously voted to approve quitclaim deeds for two Rumford residents willing to demolish and remove dilapidated properties in exchange for the tax-acquired land.
The first includes a lot, junk and trailer on Wyman Hill Road to Chris DeSalle. Madigan and Adley said the trailer “is pretty rundown.”
Madigan said outstanding taxes, liens and interest from 2012-2014 total $420.78. He recommended that selectmen allow DeSalle to forgo paying the $420.78, because it would cost him a few thousand dollars to clean up the lot and get rid of the trailer within two weeks to a month. The board agreed.
The second quitclaim deed went to Don Hamann for property at 411 Cumberland St. Hamann was given four months to tear the building down there and clean up the lot.
Adley wanted a covenant included in the deed stating that Hamann must tear down and remove the building rather than try to restore it. Fire Chief Chase also suggested adding a clause that Hamann be responsible for long-term maintenance to the lot.
Madigan said taxes, liens and interest owed from 2010 to 2012-13 total $3,156.39. He suggested that the board also allow Hamann to forgo paying that because it would cost the town $20,000 or so to demolish the building and clean up the property. Selectmen agreed.
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