FARMINGTON — A free workshop for foresters will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, July 27, at the Farmington Municipal Building.
The workshop will teach how to expand client base by working with already-identified landowners to prepare NRCS-funded management plans focused on bird and wildlife habitat.
The program is part of a larger Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Regional Conservation Partnership Program grant focused on improving wildlife habitat throughout western Maine. NRCS is providing technical and financial assistance for management plans and other activities to landowners who meet specific eligibility requirements.
The training, hosted by Maine Audubon in partnership with the American Forest Foundation, the Maine Forest Service and NRCS, will outline in more detail the specific management plan requirements and steps for participating in this program. Consulting foresters and/or NRCS technical service providers will benefit from attending.
The workshop is free but preregistration is required.
FMI, preregister: 207-781-2330, ext. 219;
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