ANDOVER — Selectmen are considering holding a public hearing next month on changing the town’s financial year from the calendar to a July 1 to June 30 schedule.

The reason is so it coincides with the school department.

“I’d like to figure out how to do that in 2018,” Selectman Mark Thurston said. “I’d like to get the word out there that we’re considering doing this.”

He and Selectmen Jane Rich and Sharon Hutchins agreed that a public hearing in October would be in the town’s best interest.

In other business, Rich said the entrance ramp to the Town Office needs repair and money would come from the Town Office budget.

Thurston said he would check with the road crew to see what needs to be done.

Also of note, Rich said the town is anticipating that repair of the Brickett Bridge on Main Street will be completed in October.

Andover selectmen, from left, Jane Rich, Sharon Hutchins and Mark Thurston, attend a meeting last week.

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