LISBON — Administrators told the School Committee on Monday night that incidents of bullying on social media are effecting students at school.
The middle and high schools received no calls or texts through their cyberbully hotlines, but their respective principals, Darren Ackerman and Susan Magee, voiced concerns about social media.
“The issues are usually a direct result of the incidents that occur outside of school through social media, Snapchat, texting that follows up in school and interferes with their ability to stay focused on their academics,” Lisbon High School Principal Susan Magee said.
The school has reported 12 incidents of bullying that have resulted in interventions this year.
The School Department Policy defines bullying as “any act, gesture, or verbally written or electronically-communicated expression that is so severe and persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, hostile educational environment for students.”
John LaPerriere, assistant principal of Lisbon Community School said, “We’ve had no cases in the School-Wide Information System that meet the definition of bullying.”
School Committee Chairwoman Traci Austin said, “If there is an issue going on, it needs to be brought to the attention of a teacher or guidance counselor or somebody for us to be able to investigate and help facilitate a solution.”
In other business, committee members agreed to discontinue the agreement with Great Falls TV, which asked for $2,500 to continue services.
Committee members will vote on a $16.4 million budget next week before passing it to the Town Council on May 15. Residents will vote on it June 12.
The next School Committee meeting is at 6 p.m. May 14 at the Town Office.

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