AUBURN — The Auburn Farmers’ Market is participating in Maine Harvest Bucks, a program that helps thousands of Mainers eat more fruits and vegetables.

People who buy food using SNAP have an average of $4 a day to spend on food. Maine Harvest Bucks doubles that amount and encourages shoppers to buy fruits and vegetables.

The Auburn Farmers’ Market operates from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays through Oct. 2 at the Rolly’s Diner parking lot, 87 Mill St.

Vendors from the Auburn Farmers’ Market volunteered to sign up for Harvest Bucks, noting that the program brings new customers and is a great way to help fight food insecurity in their community. The program increases the purchasing power of people shopping with SNAP. For each SNAP dollar spent at the market, shoppers will receive a dollar voucher for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables. Shoppers can save the vouchers for when their SNAP/EBT funds run low.

Maine has the third highest percentage of residents experiencing hunger in the country; one in every four children in Maine is food insecure.

Maine Harvest Bucks is a program of the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets, which has supported the program the past three years under the USDA’s Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant.

“It’s a win-win for farmers and for families,” said Jimmy DeBiasi, SNAP program coordinator at the Federation of Farmers’ Markets. “Farmers gain new customers and Maine families that use SNAP have more dollars to spend on fruits and vegetables. That’s what Maine Harvest Bucks is about.”

To learn more about the Auburn Farmers’ Market, contact Market Coordinator Kathy Shaw at or 207-320-1969 or the Auburn Recreation Department at 207-333-6601, ext. 2101.

Visit to learn about locations statewide where these SNAP bonuses are available.

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