I can’t imagine anyone being so uncaring a person that they would imply, in print, in the yearbook (a book many people will hold onto for their entire lives) that they had had sex with the same women that other people on their sports team had done.

Brett Kavanaugh could have stepped up and apologized. One might expect as much from a judge on “The People’s Court,” but for sure for a nominee for the Supreme Court.

When Kavanaugh claimed that he has been uniformly respectful of women, it is obvious that he is capable of a very bold-face lie. He should have been saying, “Renate, wherever you are, I’m so sorry. We never did have sex and I was a cruel and stupid 17-year-old kid trying to make myself feel important.” Instead, he pretends to be a kind, caring gentleman who just holds a judicial philosophy that seems cruel to those who don’t understand.

Dr. Christine Ford has no reason to lie. Kavanaugh has every reason in the world to lie and, evidently, does.

Sen. Susan Collins needs to understand that Kavanaugh is too big a risk and reject him, even if the FBI can’t prove he attacked Dr. Ford.

Kristie Sinclair, Lewiston

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