PHILLIPS — Voters will set the annual town budget and elect municipal officials Thursday.

The evening meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at the Phillips Area Community Center.

“Aside from school and county tax, the town warrant suggests raising $1.3 million,” Town Manager Maureen Haley said.

The 39 warrant articles include the nomination and election of four municipal officials from the floor. The three-year terms of Selectman David Vincent and School Administrative District 58 Director Jessica Cain expire July 1.

Haley said neither has indicated whether he or she will be willing to serve another three-year term, if nominated.

SAD 58 director Nicole Norton was appointed to fill the vacancy left by Sharon Dudley, and she has also not indicated whether she will accept a nomination.


Incumbent Town Clerk Betty Jane Bangs has said she will serve another year if elected.

Each year, voters are asked to spend a large portion of tax dollars on roads. The Public Works/Highway Department maintains, repairs and improves more than 40 miles of town roads, and plows 58 miles of town and state winter roads.

The selectmen and Budget Committee have recommend appropriating $619,704, of which $220,000 would be set aside for road improvements. The remainder will pay for salaries and benefits or for operating and maintaining buildings and equipment.

Selectmen and the Budget Committee also recommend the following budget requests: Fire Department, $95,390; Solid Waste and Recycling, $119,175; town administration, $172,306 and Public Safety, $101,002. They also recommend appropriating $100,000 from undesignated funds for tax reduction.

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