It has been heartwarming to see how the state of Maine has embraced the refugees bused to this state, unlike our hypocritical president whose own wife, plus in-laws, are immigrants. Those folks come here fleeing poverty and violence, seeking a safer and better life — like many of our own relatives did.

Maine has an aging population and has a workforce shortage. Why not embrace them and encourage them to become productive citizen taxpayers? View them as assets rather than liabilities?

My own citizen-immigrant wife works two health care jobs consistently, 60-plus hours a week. Her attitude is “where there is a will there is a way.”

On another subject, I criticize Rep. Bruce Bickford for opposing a tax on vaping products, saying it was bad for business. What about vaping being bad for health? That should have been foremost in his mind, I would have thought.
Bob Mennealy,  Auburn

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