DIXFIELD — Directors of Regional School Unit 56 will present a second budget to voters next Wednesday to be followed by a referendum vote in Canton, Carthage, Dixfield and Peru on Tuesday, July 30.
Voters in the four towns on June 11 rejected a budget of $13.27 million, which was an 8% increase over the 2018-19 school budget. The new spending plan is $12.9 million for the 2019-20 school year, which began July 1.
The new budget is a 5% increase over the 2018-19 school budget and it represents an average increase of 15.614% in assessments to the district’s four towns.
“We brought (the budget) down to bare bones, and we’ve done it without eliminating people, and that’s a main objective,” Director Bruce Ross of Dixfield said June 25.
Superintendent Pam Doyen encourages anyone with questions about the budget to view a video posted on the district’s website at www.rsu56.org and on the RSU 56 Facebook page.
A public informational meeting and vote are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 24, at Dirigo High School in Dixfield. A validation referendum vote will take place in each town.
Voting hours and locations by towns July 30 are: Canton Town Office, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Carthage Town Office, 3 to 7 p.m.; Dixfield, American Legion post, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Peru Town Office, noon to 7 p.m.
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