WILTON — A business forum is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Wilton Town Office to share information on the impact Central Maine Power Co.’s proposed NECEC transmission line could have on the local biomass industry.

The meeting will be moderated by Tom Saviello of Wilton, who was state Senate chairman of the 2016 Commission to Study the Economic, Environmental and Energy Benefits of the Maine Biomass Industry.

Speakers will include:

  • Mark Thibodeau of ReEnergy Holdings, which has mills in Livermore Falls and Stratton.
  • Donny Isaacson of PalletOne Inc. in Livermore Falls.
  • Bob Linkletter of Linkletter & Sons Inc. in Athens.
  • Bob Thorndike of Thorndike & Sons Inc. in Strong.

After the presentations, Saviello and Sandi Howard, director of Say NO to NECEC, a grassroots group opposing the corridor, are expected to give an update on the exploratory referendum committee that is considering bringing the CMP NECEC project before Maine voters.

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