AUBURN — The Center for Workforce & Professional Development at Central Maine Community College will offer a MTA Database Fundamentals certification course from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fridays from Feb. 21 until March 20.

The course begins with core database concepts, how to create database objects and manipulate data, understand data storage and explore how to administer a database. Exposure to database concepts is helpful to those who work with data in an IT world, or who want to enter the world of IT.

Additional study time beyond the class will likely be necessary to ensure passing the associated 98-364 Microsoft Technical Associate exam, which results in a MTA certification. The certification test for this course can be scheduled and proctored through the CMCC Testing Center. Upon successful completion of an MTA certification exam, CMCC students may receive prior learning assessment credit.

The cost of the class is $1,000 and includes all instructional materials.

For more information or to register, contact CMCC’s Center for Workforce & Professional Development at 207-755-5280, email or visit Registration deadline is Feb. 14.

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