An acquaintance recently emailed me, in a sense of bewilderment after following the national news for the past few weeks, and his questions prompted me to write these down. With his permission I present some of them, edited for clarity and PG-13 audiences.

He hopes that when Trump is re-elected to a second term that the liars in the national mainstream media will be fully exposed, and how things work (i.e. the coordination between the national mainstream media and the Democrat Party) will be revealed to the American public.

I raise the point that a faction of the Democrat Party has wrested control of much of the national mainstream media and academia over a long period of time, and has no willingness to allow exposure of their dishonesty.

He posits, “How is it that they are so coordinated with each other that they often utter the same exact talking point phrase du jour.”

They do this because they are lazy, and invested in propagating the lies that keep them in power. Another more worldly friend suggested to me that for those who espouse such virtue-signaling tripe as “collective salvation” – the secular humanist placebo to supplant Christian teachings – for them to admit that they know what they say is bunk would collapse their entire worldview, as happened finally in the old Soviet Union.

“How protected do they think they (the national mainstream media liars) are that they seemingly feel nothing is wrong with such brazen coordination in pushing biased narratives? Who is protecting and directing them?” Likely the answer to the second answers the first, and it probably is some of both – it is the party and the media CEO’s.  Examine the record of CNN and MSNBC as quick samples.


“How can they always line up on the same wrong side of stories?”  And yes, they double down when called out for their inaccuracy or bias. Even when fighting among themselves – to wit, CNN’s reporter asks Sen. Bernie Sanders if he told Sen. Elizabeth Warren (some years ago, in a private conversation) that a “woman cannot win the presidency”? He answers, “No I never said that.”

The CNN reporter then turns to Sen. Warren and in a perfect example of bias and dishonesty, asks her, “Sen. Warren, what did you think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?”

The CNN “journalist” was perfectly comfortable using the loaded question format of “So when did you stop beating your wife?” on old Bernie Sanders, by ignoring his answer and changing it to pose the opposite as fact to Sen. Warren. Brazen doesn’t even come close to describing this.

It must be understood that there are very wealthy people and organizations, both here and abroad, who revel in creating this sort of societal chaos. Some for supposedly idealistic rationales, though the overarching attitude is “we know better, you will agree to let us run everything or we’ll shame you, publicly defame you, antagonize your businesses or organizations …”, all with the treacle glaze of some save-the-country/save–the-planet  as justification.

No, it isn’t a conspiracy theory, just look at the things we have endured in this country in the past few years all because one faction has come to believe they are somehow “morally superior” or socially justified in refusing to accept that they lost an election, and continue to lose the support of many Americans. They openly use the term “by any means necessary” to reverse the results of 2016.

What do you call it when in a representative republic one political faction determines that they will refuse to acknowledge they have lost an election, and acts to undermine the duly elected candidate and party?  Is it a civil society or not?


What do you call it when the same faction begins to push for the destruction of the entire voting system in order to “win” all elections in the future?  For reference see the Democrats push to eliminate the Electoral College, force ranked choice voting into the states, eliminate voter ID laws which prevent voter fraud, allow illegal aliens to vote, and yes, even have 16-year-olds to vote.

What do you call it when a Bernie Sanders’ field worker advocates openly for “gulags to re-educate Trump voters”? This does not sound like acceptance of a representative republic to me; it reflects a desire for totalitarian control and abusive punishment.

Listening to the ignorance of this fellow in the recently revealed video is truly stunning – his stupidity is remarkable, describing how gulags under Stalin “really weren’t that bad . . . they got paid a living wage and had conjugal visits . . .”.  He probably thinks Solzhenitsyn is vodka. A millennial of course, and frankly I have no tolerance for ignorance of any age group, but in particular these self-righteous snowflakes.

What do you call it when another Bernie Sanders campaign worker attempts to assassinate Republican senators and congressmen at a baseball game?  Is this “tolerance and diversity,” or an attempt to start a civil war?

What do you call it when the same party organizes and funds a campaign of smears and framing of opposition campaign officials in order to manipulate the willingly corrupt FBI and Justice Department into illegally eavesdropping on their, and other, communications? Is this a minor mistake by underlings?

What do you call it when the national mainstream media covers for the same party’s involvement in numerous fraudulent stories about the president for three plus years?

When there is a blackout, looters loot. In 2019 we’ve had a national mainstream media controlled blackout on the truth, and the country is being looted – our treasury, our sovereignty, our identity, our history – all under the threat of being forever erased by propagandists and their protective force field of political correctness.

Freedom of the press is crucial to America’s existence, but it should not be interpreted as freedom from scrutiny. When the scrutinizers become mere stenographers (i.e. the national mainstream media and the Democrat Party) then it is high time to upend this system and examine who is controlling the narratives. Full disclosure. I was a Democrat voter for 30 years.

Another View is a weekly column written collaboratively by Dale Landrith of Camden, Ken Frederic of Bristol, Paul Ackerman of Martinsville, Jan Dolcater of Rockport and Ralph “Doc” Wallace of Rockport.

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