Town of Oxford

Planning Board

Feb 13, 2020 @ 6:00PM


1. Call to Order

2. Action of Minutes: Minutes of Nov. 14, 2019 minutes


3. New Business:

  1. Shoreland Zoning application:

  1. Site Plan Reviews:

    1. Borrego Solar Systems Inc, Sean Thies of CES presenting; Solar array at R03 046, off Main Street just south of Diffin Road.

    2. Ryan Ranch LLC, owner; ISM Solar Development LLC, Map R13 lot 003-0B1 Fore Street, Oxford, Applicant is VHB, David Woodward representative. (this is a project in the Town of Paris also)

  1. Subdivision Application:

  1. Updates on Ordinances: Comp plan updates

4. Old Business:

5. Upcoming Dates – March 12, 2020 6:00pm

6. Adjournment

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