WATERFORD — The North Waterford Congregational Church members met through Zoom recently to discuss methods of safety in presenting their summer suppers. The suppers, which have been held every other Tuesday throughout the summer for generations, draw people together to chat over dinner and renew old acquaintances. “The suppers are a community event,” said church President Milly Millett. “It’s important to keep them going. But we want to keep everyone safe during the pandemic.”
The church will switch to a drive-through method of delivering the meals. Community members will be asked to drive up Green Road, turn in back of the church to receive a boxed meal and exit via the Five Kezars Road. All foodstuffs will be cooked on-site in hygienic conditions and packed to go.
The first supper will be held on Tuesday, July 7, with delivery available from 5 to 6 p.m. as long as supplies last. The menu for the first supper will be a pasta bake, with mixed vegetables, coleslaw, biscuit and strawberry shortcake for dessert (in its own box). Each meal will cost $10.
For more information, contact Judy Green at 207-583-6653 or judith.green44@gmail.com.
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