100 Years Ago: 1921
The annual luncheon of the Woman’s Literary Union was held yesterday afternoon at the DeWitt Hotel. The president, Mrs. Roy D. Hodgdon, presided for the program in which nearly everyone had a part. After coffee she announced that in place of the usual toasts program had been arranged in which many more would take part than could otherwise. She then referred them to their place cards, on which were amusing anecdotes, or worthwhile quotations, then the guests were asked to read aloud. At the close the members were asked to stand, and to hold their jonquils and as they stood Mrs. Hodgdon read a beautiful poem on the symbolism of the flower.
50 Years Ago: 1971
An in depth look at federally assisted code enforcement in Auburn will be presented to Auburn-Lewiston Kiwanians Wednesday noon at the weekly luncheon meeting at The Roundhouse Motor inn Auburn. Richard M. Plante, former newsman, now handling community relations for the program, will discuss the work of the Goff Hill Area Improvement Project, Auburn’s first concentrated code enforcement effort. Plante will augment his presentation with slides and other graphic material, and will also outline plans for the proposed Pettingill area project.
25 Years Ago: 1996
Orphans, pickpockets, a bickering middle-aged couple and a child who yearns for a long-lost mother: These and a host of other colorful characters will again enliven the streets and attics of London when Community Little Theatre stages the popular musical “Oliver” March 8-10,and 16, 18.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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