JAY — A Jay resident asked the Select Board on Monday to consider a revote to allow adult-use marijuana cultivation and manufacturing businesses to go before voters in November.

In April 2019, residents voted 204-200 to reject the operation of adult-use and medical marijuana stores, cultivation facilities and products manufacturing facilities.

Maine law requires that after Dec. 13, 2018, municipalities seeking to allow medical or adult-use marijuana facilities must opt into the state’s marijuana program.

Mark Mancini and Edward Orkney, both of Jay, own Treetop Crops of Maine, according to Mancini’s proposal. They are licensed medical marijuana caregivers who “cultivate both hemp and marijuana for several patients and dispensaries in central Maine,” according to information provided the Jay Select Board.

Treetop Crops of Maine is largely a wholesale business and does not operate a retail store, according to Mancini. He would like the ballot question to exclude the operation of retail adult-use establishments within the community.

The company is planning to expand its cultivation and manufacturing business into Maine’s adult-use program, according to Mancini .


Mancini said he lives at 239 Main St., but the town has since named the roadway Treetop Lane. It is off Main Street and across from the Fabian Oil service station.

Mancini said in speaking with residents, he learned they do not want a store next to their houses or in areas traveled by children.

Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said the Select Board could consider the request and decide if it wishes to put it on the ballot.

If the board is not in favor of putting the request to a public vote, Mancini could circulate a petition that would need signatures of 215 registered voters to place it on the ballot.

If the Select Board agrees to put a ballot question before voters Nov. 2, it would require a warrant question be available 60 days before the vote, or by Sept. 2.

Other options include developing an ordinance addressing marijuana facilities and cultivation, according to LaFreniere. A panel composed of two selectpersons, two Planning Board members and members of the public could be formed to draft an ordinance.


There would not be time to have an ordinance ready by Sept. 2, but there could be a question about a moratorium until the town has a proposed ordinance, LaFreniere said.

The ordinance could also contain information on permit fees, which have ranged from $2,500 to $20,000 in some communities, according to LaFreniere.

“I think it would behoove us to put it on the November ballot,” which usually draws more voters, according to Selectperson Gary McGrane.

Selectperson Lee Ann Dalessandro said she agreed.

LaFreniere said she would get options together for the Select Board to consider at its meeting Aug. 9.

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