Individual sacrifice for the greater good is not rare in democracies. Sacrifice for the greater good is, and has been, common for years.

An example is the military draft, to ensure that our military maintains sufficient numbers to protect our nation and way of life, if necessary. Thus, I was very surprised to read that Auburn firemen were willing to lose their jobs rather than get vaccinated.

Millions of Americans have been vaccinated with very few side effects, compared to the 600,000 who have died from COVID-19.

I was not so surprised to read about right-wing Rep. Laurel Libby’s opposition to the vaccines. Her opposition has nothing to do with science and the greater good, but rather more to expanding her support among right-wing extremists. I wouldn’t be surprised if her group started selling red hats soon.

Auburn needs representatives in Augusta who make their decisions based on science and facts rather than on a warped QAnon-type ideology.

I was also disappointed that the Auburn School Committee has thus far ignored science, and has not yet required that masks be worn in school.

Bob Mennealy, Auburn

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