Martin Luther in 1517.

LIVERMORE FALLS —Church Update Week of October 25. This Sunday is one of my favorite. Not because it is Halloween, but because it is Reformation Sunday! If Pentecost is the day we celebrate the birthday of the church, Reformation Sunday is the day we celebrate the birth of the Protestant churches. This Sunday, I have a surprise for you (it’s good, I promise!). I am going out on a limb with this surprise, but want to thank in advance everyone who has helped me with it. I hope you enjoy the surprise. I have worked very hard on it. 25 Church St. Livermore Falls,, 207-897-2656.

Many blessings for your week ahead, Pastor Forrest

The Week Ahead: Tuesday- Bible Study at 10 a.m.- This is the same login as what is in your bulletin. Thursday-Choir Practice 1 p.m.

Sunday-Reformation Sunday, Pledge Sunday. Noisy Plate Offering (please bring your change). Funds will go to support the Christian Education Programs. Sunday School- 9:45 a.m.

Also Sunday Oct 31: Truck or Treat: 5-7 p.m. Please arrive by 4:30 to decorate your car.

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