DEAR SUN SPOTS: The members of the American Legion would like to thank the U.S. Marines Reserves for their donation of toys through the Toys for Tots Program. A total of 217 children (80 families) from the Oxford Hills area had a better Christmas as a result of our distribution this year. — Howie, no town

ANSWER: This is so good to know. I want to remind everyone in Sun Spots Land that if you, or anyone you know needs help at Christmastime or any time throughout the year, there are many resources available with kind people at the ready to assist you. Winter, especially  during this time of the pandemic, can feel particularly mean. You may need food for your family, help with paying for heat, recommendations for health care providers who will work with your insurance or within a payment plan.

You can also be helped with resources for clothing, shelter, substance abuse, elder care and more. Start by contacting 211 Maine ( Simply call 211 or text your zip code to 898-211. You can also send an email to

Your municipal office can also assist you in multiple ways. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Furthermore, if you are a fortunate person who has what they need and can offer assistance to others, you can also contact 211 Maine to find out about nonprofits that you can support financially or with in-kind donations. Life is all about caring and sharing and we’re all traveling through it together.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Where do residents of Lewiston pick up free sand for their homes this winter? — No name, no town


ANSWER: You can go to the Operations Center at 195 River Road. You’ll need your own shovel and pail/container. The hours to get sand are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. The center is closed on weekends. If a storm is in progress, the center is open. For questions, call 513-3003.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: My granddaughter got hold of a permanent marker on Christmas and used it to “decorate” the house, including the wall, an end table and the couch. — No name, no town.

ANSWER: Here is a guide I have in my Rolodex: for walls, try white toothpaste, aerosol hairspray, or a Mr. Clean Dry Eraser. For anything made from wood with a finish, try milk or peanut butter. If that doesn’t do the job, try WD-40 or rubbing alcohol, but first experiment with a spot that won’t show because this may not only remove the stain, but also remove the varnish.

For glass, try one part white toothpaste to one part baking soda. For carpet, try white vinegar or rubbing alcohol then blot with a clean, damp towel. Depending on the couch’s fabric, try hand sanitizer, white vinegar, or aerosol hairspray. Permanent marker on a leather couch can also be removed with sunscreen.  Again, experiment with a spot that won’t show first.

In all cases with carpet or fabric, dab the stain, do not rub it.

Did the little one draw on himself as well? If so, shaving cream, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, and sunscreen all work to remove unwanted “tattoos.”

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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