If you can identify where this photo was taken, contact us at bmail@sunjournal.com or call 689-2896 and leave a voicemail with your answer, your name, town, and phone number. Correct entries will be put into a drawing for a $20 gift card, courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets. Find the Mystery Photo online at https://www.sunjournal.com/tag/mystery-photo/
We had only had one slightly incorrect answer for last week’s Mystery Photo, but we let it slide. A Lewiston woman said the sculpture was at the dog park on Strawberry Avenue in Lewiston. It’s actually just next to it at the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society. In a random drawing from all the correct entries, Dorea Fortier of Lewiston was picked as the winner of a $20 Hannaford Supermarket gift card. “I recognized it from when we went there to pick up our three rescue dogs,” she told us when we contacted her.
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