Our hearts and prayers go out to families who lost a loved one in this tragedy, and also to those who have been hurt because of this tragedy. We also pray for anyone who has been affected by the anger of this one man. There have been thousands of lives affected, mentally, physically and emotionally by this horror, and our hearts go out to all of you.
Is it called motor vehicle violence if a drunk driver kills someone with a car?
Is it called knife violence if someone is killed or hurt by someone with a knife?
Then why call it gun violence?
This is about getting calling something what it is, and that is that this is a society issue.
This tragedy is not about guns, but rather about mental health and our society today. It is time to follow up on people who fall through the cracks before things like this happen.
Maine is one of the safest states in these United States because Maine is a constitutional carry state.
Now, our 2nd District representative to Washington, D.C., has called for a ban on a certain model of rifle, knowing fully that if someone wants to do what this man did, he will find a way no matter what our Democratic congressman, or anyone else says.
Call this violence that happened to our community what it is — one man’s mental health and anger that went unchecked.
Lastly, our hearts go out to the shooter’s family, who, for the rest of their lives, will have to live with what this one man did. Our hearts and prayers go out to them as well.
Daniel Buck Soules, Lisbon Falls
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