RANGELEY — Selectmen will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. on Monday at the Town Office on an estimated nearly $5.8 million municipal budget.

The municipal budget will go to vote from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the polls on June 11 at the Town Office.

The spending package is not finalized because the Select Board has to determine the amount of funding from the Rangeley and Oquossoc Downtown Omnibus tax-increment financing district funds to be used for projects. Voters established the 30-year TIF in March 2021.

There will be two separate warrant articles, one to address workforce housing and the other for park and boat launch improvements.

The combined budget for town, school and county budget is estimated at nearly $10.9 million, Town Manager Joe Roach wrote in an email. The Rangeley Lakes Regional School budget has not been finalized and neither has the Franklin County spending plan. Projected revenue to offset the municipal budget is nearly $2 million.

The municipal budget contains a 4% wage increase for non-union employees, Roach wrote.


Union negotiations are ongoing. Any increases in the new contract will be drawn from a reserve account and are not reflected in the proposed 2024-25, Roach wrote.

The proposed Police Department budget includes three full-time officers and a police chief. Currently, the town has an interim police chief who is Richard Caton IV of Wilton. He also the full-time chief of Jay Police Department. Rangeley’s chief resigned in February and the sole officer resigned in April.

Roach said the Select Board has authorized him to advertise for a full-time police chief per the staffing policy, with applications due on May 28.

The Fire Rescue Department’s budget includes an additional full-time firefighter. The department currently has one full-time firefighter and the fire rescue chief.

The capital purchases budget includes a new exhaust air handling system for Fire Station One in Rangeley. The town has two fire stations with the other one in Oquossoc village.

There is also a utility snowmobile in the budget for the wastewater treatment facility.  The snowmobile will be used in the maintenance of snow-making equipment, Roach said.

There will be a warrant article asking voters if they want to authorize the Select Board on behalf of the town to negotiate and execute a credit enhancement agreement in the best interest of the town, with Rangeley Workforce Housing LLC, the developer of a proposed attainable workforce housing project to be located on Cross Street.  The term of the agreement would not exceed the 26 years remaining on the TIF,

Another warrant article will ask residents if they wish to approve the use of TIF project funds to construct the first phase of Oquossoc Park improvements, including new tennis and basketball courts,  and for improvements to the Fish Screen Boat Launch.

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