KINGFIELD — Voters weighed in at the local school district budget Tuesday and also agreed to zoning changes that would pave the way for new housing to be built.

The proposed Maine School Administrative District 58 budget of $11.88 million represents a 3.06% increase from the current budget. Kingfield’s portion is $2.11, which amounts to a $228,946, or 12.19% increase from the 2023-24 budget.

The MSAD 58 budget validation referendum passed 273-221 Tuesday night. Kingfield approved the budget, 119 to 72. Phillips narrowly passed it, 68-66. Strong opposed the spending plan, with 56 yes and 62 no votes. Avon approved it with 30 yes and 21 no votes.

Kingfield voters also reviewed Jordan Ventures’ contract zoning application for two proposed four-unit apartment buildings at 47 West Kingfield Road, which necessitates changes to setback and density regulations. Voters approved the measure, 143 to 52. The style of the privately owned buildings would resemble Jordan Ventures housing at 64 West Kingfield Road.

A survey was conducted during polling hours to gather residents’ opinions on installing portable speed tables on town roadways.

The results will be used to help the Select Board determine whether the town supports moving forward with these traffic-calming measures. The results are 129 no, 69 yes.

All results are unofficial until certified by the municipal clerk.

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