Members of the Praise Assembly of God Rumford Youth Group held a supervised toll road in Mexico on June 8. Together with one held earlier in Dixfield, proceeds went towards a trip to Washington, D.C. and southern Maryland that begins on Friday. Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times

MEXICO — The Youth Group from the Praise Assembly of God Church in Rumford held a successful toll road on Main Street on June 8, then donated half the proceeds, $1,310, on June 10 to the Mexico Fire Department in their effort to repair their fire station following flood damage in December.

Lucas Clark of the Praise Assembly of God Rumford Youth Group presented a $1,310 check to the Mexico Fire Department, with Lt. Jamee Theriault, for repairs to the fire department following December’s flood. The money is half the proceeds from a toll road held June 8 in Mexico.

The youths, from grades 6-12, earlier raised $1,100 in a toll road held in Dixfield. They have been raising money for a field trip to Washington, D.C. and southern Maryland from June 21 to July 1.

Pastor Joe Clark said the itinerary for the youth group includes The National Bible Museum and historic Annapolis, Maryland, home of the Naval Academy.

“We will also be going to a couple church to volunteer to clean, and we will be visiting the Kings Dominion. There will be time of fellowship, growing and enjoying time together,” he said.

Pastor Justin Thacker added there is also a possibility they will be able to tour the Capital as his brother is Chief of State for Sen. Daines of Montana, and they are hoping a tour with him will be available.

“There will also be several ministry projects through my old church in Prince Frederick, Maryland and Pastor Joe’s church in Mechanicsville, Maryland,” he said.

“We also want to provide opportunity for our youth to explore life outside of Maine. We have several kids that have never been out of New England,” said Thacker.

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