LIVERMORE FALLS — Voters will be asked to approve funding again for basketball court resurfacing, probably during the April 2025 annual town meeting by referendum vote.

On July 2 selectmen approved obtaining quotes to resurface the basketball courts which voters approved funding for in 2019. Funding was approved at the June town meeting in 2019, five years ago, Selectman Jim Long noted then. “They had projected that the cost to resurface the basketball court would be $11,000 or $15,000, something like that,” he said.

Two firms were being considered for the work, a quote obtained about a year ago, it was noted July 2.

Selectmen were given the update during their July 16 meeting.

“I dug up the warrant article from 2019 and I sent it off to MMA [Maine Municipal Association] for a legal opinion because that was my concern,” Town Manager Carrie Castonguay said. “That we couldn’t spend moneys that were appropriated in a prior fiscal year.”

MMA’s recommendation was the town not do so because the intention was for the funds to be spent that year, she noted. “Even though it is coming from the reserve account, it is still not appropriate,” she stated.


“So we are looking at getting more quotes and coming up with having to have another vote,” Chair William Kenniston responded.

Castonguay indicated she had called three or four companies, had not heard back from any of them.

Kenniston said the resurfacing would be kept on the meeting agendas under old business.

“What would be the timeline to get it on the November ballot,” Selectman Jim Long asked. “Would we have enough time at this point or would April be more appropriate?”

April would be easier, Castonguay said. She didn’t know if there was time enough for November.

“I would suggest we try to target the April warrant article,” Long stated.

“That would make sense,” Kenniston agreed.

Castonguay said resurfacing the courts would be part of the budget process for next year.

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