RANGELEY — Approximately 45 volunteers showed up for the Sargent Family Community Fund (SFCF) Just One Day (JOD) charitable renovation event held on July 17.

It was the tenth year in a row that both locals, and even some folks from out of town, came to help clean, paint, landscape, and repair the homes of area residents.

This year more than ever, it was a major undertaking. The volunteers were split up into three teams to work on three different home renovations. One home project was completed in early July and a fifth one will be completed by this October.

Steve Power led the group that included his landscaping crew as well as Wayne Young and his volunteers for landscaping projects at the home of Peggy Betts.

Steve Power and crew at the home of Peggy Betts Tami McGarvey

Butch DeSanctis led the team that handled the work that included the trim and roof painting at Jill Dunham’s place. Tina Falasco operated the lift which was provided by Mike Koob and assisted in painting.  The priming of the garage was done by Dave Rossi.

Butch DeSanctis and Tina Marie Falasco on the lift at Dunham’s house. Tami McGarvey

The third and most involved project at Matt Clark’s house was led by George Crosson. On the day of the event, this included painting the garage as well as substantial improvements to the lawn and garden areas.  Previously, Steve Morrill had done the excavation work, and the concrete floor was done by Jim Williams and Justin Haley who donated their own personal labor.


George Crosson, Matt Clark and Seth Hinckley Tami McGarvey

Although the annual volunteer powered event is called Just One Day, this is one of those projects that could not be completed in a single day or week or month.

For example, you might have recalled that Jill Dunham’s place was worked on last year as well, but as anyone who has had a part in a rehab situation understands, these types of projects must happen in stages.

The “day” in “Just One Day” is more applicable for the “many hands make light work” kind of projects.

In the case of the Matt Clark house, the project that is the most ambitious and expensive, not only is it still in the process of being completed, but it is also still in need of a significant amount of funds if anyone is willing to donate to this project.

Seen here the long ramp at Matt Clark’s house Tami McGarvey

To date, besides raising funds in various ways such as applying for grants and spreading the word through the group’s personal, business, and social media networks, a generous supply of materials and labor were also donated for each project.

Generous contributions have come from a variety of sources. For instance, one single local benefactor donated $10,000. Another example is that one of the regular volunteers for JOD raised roughly $3,000 on Facebook for his birthday.


Close up of renovation mid-process at Matt Clark’s house.

The Matt Clark home renovation project all stemmed from the idea that Clark’s house isn’t suited for his life in a wheelchair. So now, instead of a long, steep ramp that is especially precarious on icy winter days, there will be a walkway connected to the garage and there will also be an elevator and lift to assist him up to the second floor of the house. So far, the group has raised about half of the cost of the lift.

On the day of the group effort, additional helping hands included providing much needed sustenance. Christy White, kitchen manager at Sarge’s, coordinated the making and distribution of sandwiches.

Carol and Bruce Hoffman brought around water, chips and sandwiches to everyone at each location on the seasonably warm summer’s day. They also placed beautiful floral arrangements at each property…flowers they had grown themselves.

Afterwards, and appropriately, the large group settled in at Sarge’s Sport’s Pub & Grub for a celebratory appreciation meal, hosted and donated by the Sargent family for a job well done.

SFCF is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, so any donation made is tax deductible. Those donations can be mailed to: SFCF PO BOX 902, Rangeley, ME 04970 or using Venmo @SF-CF.

For additional details on how to become a donor or a volunteer, reach out to Craig Sargent by telephone or text at 207.240.4013 or via email at sfcfrangeley@gmail.com.

2024 Just One Day volunteers in front of Sarge’s Sports Pub and Grill Tami McGarvey


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