DEAR SUN SPOTS: These lyrics to “Coeur de Maman” were found here:

Cœur de maman/Je chante pour toi/Que j’aime/Cœur de maman,/Tu es la bonté même/Tu as souffert de cruels émois/Je t’ai fait mal/Je t’ai remplie d’effroi.

Bonne maman/Chasse bien ces tristesses/Vois ton enfant/Et prie pour le cœur.

Des mamans/Vieille maman/Aux cheveux blancs/Votre cœur a connu/Des tourments.

Nous chantons, pour vous/Avec amour/Ce cœur/qui nous aimera toujours.

Chère maman/Je voudrais que ma chanson/Soit une prière/Qui puisse vous consoler/Bonne maman/Je voudrais que ces simples mots/Soient un baume/A votre cœur déchiré/Cœur de maman, je chante/Pour toi que j’aime/Cœur de maman/Tu es la bonté même.


Cœur de maman/Je chante pour toi/Que j’aime/Cœur de maman/Tu es la bonté même/Tu as souffert de cruels émois/Je t’ai fait mal/je t’ai remplie d’effroi/Bonne maman/Chasse bien ces tristesses/Vois ton enfant/Et prie/Pour le cœur des mamans

Vois ton enfant/Et prie/Pour le cœur des mamans — Rachel, no town

ANSWER: These lyrics match up with what Irene sent for the most part. On the internet they are contributed to Marcel Martel, a Canadian singer-songwriter and composer.

The lyrics sent in by Irene (July 29 Sun Spots are reprinted below as there was a line missing yesterday (marked with asterisks). I would love it if a reader would translate this song to English for us. I know I could Google it, but I want to keep the conversation regarding this precious song going with real people—namely Sun Spotters.

And if you have other songs you have questions about or want to share, this is the place!

“Coeur de Maman” (Irene’s version):


Coeur de maman, je chante pour toi que j’aime/Coeur de maman , tu est la bonte meme/Tu as souffert de cruels emois/Je t’ai  fait mal, je  t’ai  rempli  d’effroi.

Bonne  maman,  chasse bien ces tristesses/*Moi ton enfant, epris pour le coeur.

De maman,*Vielle  maman  aux  cheveux  blanc ,Votre coeur  a connu  des tourments/ Nous chantons pour vous avec amour/ ce coeur qui vous aime toujours.

Chere maman , je voudrais que ma chanson/Soit une priere qui puisse vous consoler.

Bonne  maman ,  je voudrais que ces simples mots/Soient  un baume  a  votre coeur dechire.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Does anyone have any books by the Irish author Jean Grainger that they would be willing to allow me to borrow for a project I’m doing about Irish authors? Because the state library Minerva system is down, I haven’t been able to access them and they are quite expensive to buy, even if they are preowned.


I promise to be very careful with them and return them to you when I’m finished with them. Please send an email to Sun Spots with your contact information and I will get in touch with you. — No name, Lisbon

ANSWER: Jean Grainger is a great writer! I’ve read some of her books in the past and really enjoyed them.

It is frustrating about Minerva, but hopefully, it will be back in business soon.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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