LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, August 25 First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service, the sound of the pipe organ playing wonderful music greeted parishioners as they entered First Baptist Church for the Sunday Service. Keyboard music provided by Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery.

Kay King Watson welcomed all to worship and read announcements of upcoming events. She led us as we sang two praise songs to set the mood for the service: “Therefore the Redeemed” and “Clap Your Hands”. Pastor Rev. Russ Thayer welcomed all as he read from Psalm 47, Verses 1 -2, then led us into prayer time.

We prayed for friends and family and celebrated the return of a few members who have been missing church for health issues. After prayers, we sang the hymn, “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”. The Pastor announced it was time for the Junior Sermon as the children came to the front of the sanctuary. After “The Secret Box”, the children went to Sunday School.

During the collection of tithes and offerings, Maggie and Margaret played a familiar hymn: “Come, Thou Almighty King” on organ and piano. Kay provided special music as she sang “Standing In the Need of Prayer”, using hand motions.

Pastor Thayer titled his Sermon, “Life In the Spirit”. He read Scripture from the Book of Galations, Chapter 5, Verses 13 – 26, to introduce the sermon. The story is about the Apostle Paul when he spent time in Galatia spreading God’s Word to the people of Galatia. The topic of discussion was this: When we think of the word, “freedom”, how do we apply it to our lives?

Are we free to live our lives in lustful want and debauchery? Should we live in envy and jealousy of others, worship idols, practice witchcraft or live our lives hating other people? In today’s world, we are constantly confronted with sexual images in movies, on television, and on the Internet. Our perception of modern living is filled with the ideas that we can do anything we choose without offending or hurting our friends and neighbors. Our world is filled with hate and anger, lack of self-control, as well as jealousy and greed. Many people spend all their time trying to live like the images they watch on TV or in movies.


God wants His people to love one another, to care for one another, to be kind to one another. If we practice self-control, kindness, think before we speak, and do our best to uplift friends, family, or even strangers we meet, we can bring joy of God into a world that desperately needs joy. Let each one of us, try to bring joy and caring to another person every day. We’ll ,feel much better about ourselves, and bring God’s love into the world of those around us.

We sang the Hymn: “If My People’s Hearts Are Humbled”, followed by the benediction and the song, “Go Ye, Go Ye Into the World.


1. This month, we have been collecting many kinds of crackers for the Food Cupboard. In Sept., we will collect canned tuna.

2. Adult Sunday School will begin on Sept. 15 at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Weekly Bible Studies with Kay will begin on Wednesday, The Worship Team will begin rehearsals at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5.

3. The movie, ” The Chosen”, will be offered as a Bible Study at the parsonage each Tuesday, beginning Sept. 3. The group meets at 6 p.m.

4. The next Soap ‘N More Store will open at 9 a.m. on Sept. 28, closing at noon. This will be the last day bag lunches will be given out.


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