DEAR SUN SPOTS: There will be a baked bean supper at Sixth St. Congregational Church at 109 Sixth St. in Auburn on Saturday  from 4:30-6 p.m.

The menu consists of two kinds of beans, brown bread, cole slaw, red and brown hot dogs, assorted casseroles, assorted desserts and beverages. The cost is $9 for adults, $5 for children 5 to 12, and free for those younger than age 5. All are welcome and takeout is available. — Elizabeth, Auburn

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Androscoggin Retired Educators’ Association will meet at The Green Ladle at Lewiston High School on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 10:30 a.m.

This meeting will be our Annual Scholarship Auction. Members are asked to bring an item to be auctioned. Items can be seasonal decorations, knick-knacks, white elephant items, food items such as pumpkin bread and other seasonal breads, fudge, cookies, brownies, etc. Books and puzzles are always popular, too. Please bring items to be auctioned by 10 a.m.

The income from all these items enables the association to offer scholarships to young people entering college in the field of education.

Lunch will be served by the students at The Green Ladle. The cost of the meal is $22. If any member finds this cost is more than they can afford, contact Gina Fuller at 783-9091. Send your reservation to Gina Fuller at 36 Elliott Ave., Lewiston, ME 04240.


For new members, with your registration (or reservation), please include your address, e-mail, phone number, birth date, and the major educational school district or school where you were located. — Elizabeth, no town

ANSWER: This sounds like a great time! The Androscoggin Retired Educators’ Association meets five times per year in  September, October, November, March and April. Dues for the year are $10 for educators and $6 for noneducators, and spouses or partners.

Those members who are 85 years or older are no longer charged dues. You need not have taught in Androscoggin County or even in the state of Maine to be a member. All educators are welcome, including teachers, educational technicians, administrators, secretaries, librarians, guidance counselors, and anyone who has worked with children.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Russell Park Rehabilitation & Living Center has craft tables available for their annual Christmas Craft Fair that will be held on Friday and and Saturday, Nov. 15 and 16, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The cost is $25 per table. The proceeds from renting tables goes to the Residents Activity Fund. If you would like to reserve a table, please call me  for more information at 786-0691, ext. 101. — Josie, Lewiston

ANSWER: I often get letters from crafters looking for spots to sell their wares. This sounds like a great opportunity!

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