DEAR SUN SPOTS: The puzzle library at the North Waterford Congregational Church will open every Monday starting Oct. 7. Hours are 1-3 p.m. The church is at 10 Irving Green Road just off Route 35 in North Waterford village.

In case of inclement weather, the library will be open Tuesdays. We have more than 300 puzzles to lend. Borrow as many as you want and return them when you’re done. For more information, call me at 583-2822. — Milly, North Waterford

ANSWER: What fun! I’ve just started getting into jigsaw puzzles and am finding it to be so relaxing. Now if I could just find a way to keep the kitty off my works in progress when my back is turned…

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The University of Southern Maine’s Occupational Therapy Department is offering a call called A Matter of Balance class for older adults at the Lewiston-Auburn Community Clinic, 51 Westminster St. in Lewiston. Classes are Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. 12 p.m. starting Oct. 2 and running for eight total sessions. Participants will need to commit to attending every class.

The focus is on managing concerns about falls. The class is not designed as an exercise class, but for people who have a fear of falling, have had to restrict their activity, and are trying to start an exercise plan. There is a $10 fee for the workbook supplied for the class.

For more information and to sign up, please call 753-6677 or email — Robina, Lewiston


ANSWER: This is a great opportunity to build your confidence and take a step forward to improve your health.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: West Auburn Congregational Church at 811 West Auburn Road in Auburn will hold a Fall Vendor Craft Fair on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine.

We invite vendors to rent a 10- by 10-foot outdoor space to sell their goods. The fee is $25 and is nonrefundable.

For questions and to register, please call Florrie at 577-9734 or email – Jenny, no town

ANSWER: I hope all you crafters have signed up!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am looking for someone to clean my furnace. The oil delivery service we use does not offer this. Thanks for all your help. — No name, Lewiston


ANSWER: Have you asked your oil delivery service if they have recommendations for you?

In the Rolodex, I have Central Maine Heating Services, (, 240-0224); Martin Heating and Cooling; 807-0619); and Beaulieu Energy Services (, 407-3186.

Winter is coming and we want to be prepared! If you have a recommendation, please let me know ASAP!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have another name to put in your file for seamstresses. Heide Wilkinson at 895 Orchard Drive in Wilton (305-5911) alters wedding dresses and prom dresses plus any alterations for the entire family. — Celina, Livermore Falls

ANSWER: Thank you so much for the recommendation! As you all know, this is a very popular question and with your help, we can spread the word throughout the readership area.

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