DEAR SUN SPOTS: Regarding the article in Looking Back 100 years ago in the paper dated 10/7/2024. It was about two brothers who went missing around the Androscoggin River in 1924. At the end of the article, they said they sent out search parties to look for them, but at the end of the article there was no information on whether the boys were found safe or that they died. Hoping you can find an answer for me one way or the other. Thanks again for your help in this. — Butch, Lewiston

ANSWER: There is no record of Wilfred and Eugene Mailette, ages 5 and 7, drowning in the Androscoggin River in 1924. The brothers had asked their mother if they could go sailing on the river in a pasteboard box which they had found, according to the article. She told them that the box was just made of paper and would not hold them and warned them not to attempt such hazardous play. When they had not returned by nighttime, the family summoned help. We could find no follow-up information about the missing boys, but they apparently did not drown in the river.

Three others did drown that year, according to records, which may not be complete:

• April 16, 1924 – Emile Gagnon, 13, fell off the Maine Central railroad bridge while playing with friends.

• May 3, 1924 – Henry Rich, a Bates student, drowned in the river when his canoe overturned near Deer Rips.

• Dec. 20, 1924 – George Bean, 5, drowned after he hit an obstacle while coasting on a sled near the outlet of the Little Androscoggin River.


Readers, if you know the outcome of the missing Mailettes, please write in and let us know!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Hello Sunspots!  The Lisbon Falls Church of the Nazarene is planning another fun activity for October. A Harvest Party is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 26, from 4-7 p.m. The party is open to the community and free of charge. We will have games, food, a hayride, kids’ crafts and of course, CANDY! The church is at 184 Main St. in Lisbon Falls. We would love to have you come and celebrate the fall season with us. — Laural, Lisbon Falls

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m not sure when the request came in, maybe before Christmas last year. Someone wrote in looking for an album recorded by the Saint Joseph’s Church Chorus. I was going through a box of old albums, and I have two. Pick up only in Auburn. Call 376-5156. — Jeannine, Auburn

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