Select Board members Peter Holman and Janice Merrill listen as Public Works Foreman Randy Glover provides the board with a vehicle maintenance report on Oct. 14. Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times

DIXFIELD  — Public Works Foreman Randy Glover told the Select Board Oct. 14 that they have a full crew and are getting their equipment ready for the winter season.

He also noted that the public works one-ton truck should be here by mid-November. “I called down to Viking and their equipping that Western Star that we bought to replace the ’09. Should be up and ready by Dec. 1.”

Glover noted, “We bought a Western Star for a big truck and a GMC one-ton to replace the old one-ton.”
He said both the replaced machines will be put out to bid.

Glover said, “Right now, we’re trying to get geared up for winter. We’ve got trucks in the shop that we’re doing fall services on them. That goes bumper to bumper, all the plow gear for it. All the fluids are changed. All the filters are changed. If they need new winter tires under them, they get new winter tires. Every spring, pin, bushing, king pin greased, everything.”

He said there is the process of putting up 600 yards of winter sand. “That’s all we used last year. No sense purchasing more than what we need. We’ve got quite a stockpile down there, over a thousand yards.”

In other business, Board Chair Richard Pickett talked about the town’s share of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. He said they started out with $262,865. They have spent about $191,000, including $49,182 for security cameras for the Town Office, leaving a fund balance of around $59,000.

Fire Chief Scott Dennett said his department has used about $19,289 in ARPA funding, for items like personal protective equipment and turnout gear (coats and boots, etc.)

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