The Fayette Select Board discusses funding and bids for the public works garage roof replacement during a Nov. 12 special meeting held at Fayette Central School in Fayette. Franklin Journal file photo
FAYETTE — The Fayette Select Board reviewed funding and contractor bids for the public works garage roof replacement and discussed appointments to the Planning Board on Nov. 12, which were finalized two days later on Nov. 14, with Gregory DeLapp and Jonathan Shink officially appointed as members, according to Chair Lacy Badeau.
The board reviewed a motion to transfer up to $50,000 from the undesignated fund to the Public Works Building Reserve to cover roof replacement costs. Current reserve funds total approximately $41,000, but bids for the project exceeded expectations.
Two bids were reviewed:
• Homeroofing Solutions proposed removing the existing metal roof, installing new insulation, and replacing it with corrugated metal roofing for $41,000 but would not use Advantech plywood.
• James & Whitney suggested removing the metal roof, rolling out insulation, applying CDX plywood and high-temperature ice and water shield, and installing a corrugated metal roof. This bid totaled $50,200 for CDX plywood and $55,700 for Advantech plywood.
Mark Robinson, town manager emphasized that bids were higher than anticipated. “Two weeks ago, there was a desire to use Advantech instead of CDX,” he explained, but contractors were hesitant to recommend Advantech, with one bidder threatening to withdraw if required to use it.
Jessica Leighton, Code Enforcement Officer added that the additional $50,000 in funding would ensure flexibility in material choice. Badeau clarified, “This additional funding would cover CDX,” while Robinson noted, “Advantech is estimated to cost about $6 per square foot, compared to $4 per square foot for CDX.”
Robinson informed the board that James & Whitney gave the most detailed responses to questions and were identified as the preferred bidder. However, the board decided to delay awarding the bid until James & Whitney could attend a future meeting to clarify specifics. “We can afford to proceed with either material, but I recommend we finalize details before making a decision,” Robinson said.
The motion to award the bid failed, with plans to revisit the matter at the next meeting.
In other news, the board discussed filling vacancies on the Planning Board, which oversees land use planning, permits and future development in Fayette. Two candidates were conditionally approved during the meeting:
• Greg DeLapp, a new resident with an extensive human resources background and an impressive resume.
• Jonathan Shink, a decade-long resident interested in serving as an alternate to ease into town governance.
Robinson supported both candidates, describing them as “great additions to the Planning Board.” He noted that DeLapp would serve as a regular member while Shink would serve as an alternate. Final approval of their applications was granted at the follow-up meeting at the town office.
Planning Board meetings are typically held on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Fayette Central School or via Zoom. Applications for membership are available online or at the town office.
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