DEAR SUN SPOTS: On Sunday, Nov. 17, I lost a black bag somewhere around Murray’s gas station or Hannaford in Turner. Inside was a small red bag with my toiletries. If found, please call 576-7532.–No name, no town

ANSWER: Let us know what happens!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In the Nov. 21 Sun Spots, “Nancy in Lewiston” wrote a charming letter describing a birthday celebration with old friends at the Chick-A-Dee Restaurant, culminating with giving thanks and appreciation to their anonymous “birthday angels” for picking up their tab!

Later, a friend of mine who knows I always read Sun Spots, asked me if I had seen Nancy’s letter that day and I told her I had.

She admitted that she and her husband were the “birthday angels,” and went on to describe the pleasure and wave of nostalgia they felt anonymously witnessing the camaraderie of Nancy’s birthday group and how it brought so much joy to what they were expecting to be a ho-hum, regular dinner out.

My friend said they particularly got a kick out of the cupcakes being carefully removed from the box and distributed, followed by single birthday candles being issued in the specific color requested by each of the revelers. She remarked that her husband was particularly entertained by one of them producing a book of matches to light the candles. She said he asked her, “When’s the last time you saw anyone using a book of matches?”


My friend finished by saying that the thought that “Nancy in Lewiston” would take so much effort to write to the local newspaper to express appreciation totally rewarmed their hearts!

I later got to thinking and contacted my friend, saying that she should write to Sun Spots and share their observations of the celebration, including why they decided to do what they did. It would let “Nancy in Lewiston” know that her efforts to thank an anonymous someone hit the mark with impact and would make an unexpected follow up to a great story, the added bonus being to affirm to readers and Sun Spots how powerful the column is at making local connections.

I assured her that Sun Spots would keep them anonymous, though I would be happy to forward their observations on to Sun Spots, assuring their continued anonymity.

She wrote back, “It was really cool to see that in Sun Spots. It made our day to make theirs! Feel free to respond on our behalf.”

So I have done as requested. Keep up the good work Sun Spots! And please sign me off as “Super Sun Spots Fan in Lewiston” in the column.—No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: I admit that I got emotional as I read your letter. I’ve always been so enamored with the “restaurant angel” letters I receive and have quite a collection going. Never have I ever received one from “the other side” though.


I appreciate you taking the time to write this lovely note and am grateful for your support and input. My utmost goal as Ms. Sun Spots is to remind readers they are not alone, and can reach out to connect with others.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to





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