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37th annual lighting of the Giving Tree

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RANGELEY — Despite falling temperatures and spitting snow, nearly 100 people attended the 37th annual lighting of the Giving Tree on Saturday, Nov. 30. While the weather may have been frightful, the excitement and wonder from the crowd was delightful. Children – and adults – eagerly accepted candy canes while event coordinators wrapped up last minute preparations of this holiday season kick-off event. 

Rangeley Giving Tree President Carmen Glidden and Vice President Gisele Haines listen as Thad Zmistowski performs “O Holy Night”. (Photo by Dee Menear/Rangeley Highlander)

Giving Tree President Carmen Glidden and Vice President Gisele Haines officiated the event. Glidden welcomed the crowd and thanked everyone for nearly 40 decades of support of the community project. The Invocation to open the Christmas season was given by Deacon Lucy Simonds of the Rangeley Congregational Church.  This year, Thad Zmistowski returned to sing “O Holy Night” with two verses in English and one in French, to honor the organization president. A sing-along of Christmas carols was lead by Tom Danforth and Peggy Knox. The crowd joined in singing “Jingle Bells” and other holiday favorites.

Rangeley Giving Tree President Carmen Glidden laughs joyfully during the lighting of the Giving Tree on Saturday, Nov. 30. (Photo by Tami McGarvey)

As if by magic, the snowfall increased just as Santa arrived on by fire truck. Accompanying him were his Christmas Elf, Paxton Wheelock, and the 2024 Giving Tree Angel, Lilly Popadak. The crowd welcomed Santa by merrily singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”

Santa arrives at the Rangeley Giving Tree just as the evening’s snowfall intensified. (Photo by Dee Menear/Rangeley Highlander)

As is customary, the Angel used her magic finger to bring life and light to the Giving Tree. The falling snow, joyful singing and merry laughter from children spread cheer through the group of spectators.

Christmas Elf, Paxton Wheelock, Santa, and the 2024 Giving Tree Angel, Lilly Popadak. (Photo by Tami McGarvey)

Following the lighting of the tree Jeffery Beaudoin, Secretary of the Oquossoc ATV Club spoke. For the fifth year in a row, the Oquossoc ATV Club collected toys and donations throughout their membership. Beaudoin presented Glidden with a check for $1,000 and a porch full of toys, games and other gifts.

Oquossoc ATV Club collected toys and donations for the Rangeley Giving Tree. (Photo by Dee Menear/Rangeley Highlander)

The Giving Tree of Rangeley is very grateful for the clubs efforts in continuing to raise so much for local children and seniors. Organizers would also like to thank all the ceremony participants, donors and volunteers that made this celebration a wonderful way to kick off the Christmas season. In addition, we thank all the members of the town office, police, fire and public works departments. Also, all the firefighters that helped with the ceremony and to getting the tree ready this year. A special thank you to the Parks and Recreation Department for going above and beyond to ready the tree this year. And finally, a shout out to Rudy Davis for providing the sound system and Tami McGarvey for taking photos year after year!

If you would like to help us, support our community, donations can be sent to The Giving Tree of Rangeley at P.O. Box 222 Rangeley, ME 04970-0222


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