The colorful fall leaves are long gone, and the shorter days of December have arrived with the promise of starry nights and maybe a hint of snow. There is a feeling of expectation in the air as we hurry along thinking of the upcoming holidays. Perhaps it is my northern Scottish heritage, but I just love the contrast between the chill outside and the warmth and coziness we find inside. The Danish call it: hygge, the quality of coziness and well-being when we spend time with our friends and families.

While many of us will experience the warmth and comfort of time spent with loved ones, others may be feeling alone in the midst of all these celebrations. Social isolation and loneliness are significant concerns at any time of the year, but they can be especially difficult during the winter. According to AARP Maine, over 135,000 Mainers 50 and older live alone and are at higher risk of loneliness. The National Institute on Aging reports that social isolation can negativity affect the health and well-being of individuals as they age. Since Maine has one of the highest numbers of residents over 65 in America, this is certainly a concern for all of us.

What can we do? AARP’s publication, Resources to Fight Social Isolation and Caregiver Guide, has many helpful suggestions for how we can help each other and ourselves. One of the first suggestions in this resource is to join a group or to volunteer. Easy to say, maybe harder to do. As my husband and I both know, volunteering is a great way to meet new people and to help local organizations. You might start with places you know and where you feel comfortable such as your local church or synagogue, community organization or your local Area Agency on Aging or AAA as they are often called.

AARP’s resource guide reminds us that our local AAA’s offer individuals and caregivers a wealth of information about available services to meet their needs. Programs such as Meals on Wheels are managed and staffed by the AAA’s and volunteers. Classes and activities are offered at each of the five Area Agencies on Aging in Maine. There is always a lot going on! The AAA closest to your community can be found at: or by calling 877-353-3771. Creating connections with others is one of the best ways to combat loneliness and isolation.

As we move through the bright short days of December and into the candlelit season of the holidays, I wish all of you the opportunity to spend time with those who you hold near and to reach out to those who may need extra comfort and connection creating our own hygge to enjoy the long Maine winter. As it turns out, being with others is good for our spirits and our health.

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To read AARP’s Resources to Fight Social Isolation and caregiving visit:

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